Per Scholas – Bronx Tech Training Program

(As of December 2020)

Enrollment goals were to train 390 New Yorkers throughout 2020, and 408 individuals were enrolled, exceeding the adjusted goal.

Of the newly enrolled learners, 47% are African American, and 40% are Latino, 40% are young adults ages 18-24, and nearly 27% identify as women.  

Offered all remote learners loaner laptops, MiFi hotspot devices, webcams, or headphones so we can continue to train overlooked and underserved communities throughout New York.

(As of June 2020)

132 enrolled students, 93 of which transitioned from in-person to remote training and 39 enrolled into entirely remote courses.

A goal of 258 students were to be enrolled in fifteen courses throughout the rest of the year remotely.

Of the two courses that have finished in 2020, 76% of students have graduated. Despite the shift to a virtual learning environment and the number of personal and financial hardships many of the students are experiencing due to the COVID-19 pandemic and related recession, the current national graduation rate is 83%.

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