Family Life Academy Charter School – FLACS I Modern Band Music Program

This after-school music program offeredtraining opportunities in music to 20 students in grades 4-5 two days a week.  Students were able to learn how to playseveral instruments (keyboard, guitar, drums, and bass) basics skills, chordprogression, how to read chord charts, how to compose original works andcompositions, how to perform as an ensemble and maintain rhythm, what are theelements of music (tempo, pitch, harmony, rhythm, tenor, dynamics etc.) andeach instrument's role

97% attendance rate of students participatedin program and 100 % of students participated in bi-annual jury evaluationsshowed progress in areas of technique and music artistry.

FLACS I Modern Band performed for theFLACS I year-end school recital (spring) and (performed at the winter holidayshow on December 11, 2019).

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