BOC Capital Corp. - Entrepreneurs of Color Fund

BOC WBC activities continued and increased significantly due to the unprecedented COVID19; business counseling and training to support small businesses' survival, recovery, and continued sustainability from the impacts of the COVID19 pandemic.

BOC WBCs served a total of 324 new clients and provided over 627 sessions of one-on-one counseling. BOC WBCs delivered 50 workshops or webinars, reaching 983 participants. BOC WBCs served 22 small business owners with capital infusion transactions totaling $1,477,100. Started in March 2020, the BOC WBCs delivered services via a 100% virtual model—providing one-on-one counseling and webinars via Zoom and Vonage. The BOC WBCs continued to successfully offer disaster relief business counseling during the COVID-19 pandemic. Targeted support to women's businesses (webinars, PPP/EIDL assistance, crisis counseling, etc.) During the COVID-19 pandemic, the BOC WBCs went from assisting clients to start businesses to helping them protect and sustain their businesses.

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